Health foods are foods that can meet at least three of the following criteria including a good or excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, high amount in phytonutrients and antioxidant compounds such as vitamins A and E and beta carotene, reducing the risk of heart disease and other health conditions, being low in calorie density, meaning you get a larger portion size with a fewer number of calories, and so on. The following foods that can be available everywhere and are regarded as the healthiest foods for people:
1. Sweet Potatoes
It is one of the best vegetables you can eat because they contain carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
Sweet potatoes
2. Citrus Fruit
Citrus fruit is great-tasting and rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber. Besides that, we can try different varieties such as juicy Minneola oranges, snacksize Clementines, or tart pink grapefruit.
3. Broccoli
Broccoli has lots of vitamin C, carotenoids, and folic acid. Users can steam it enough so that it is still firm and add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and a spritz of lemon juice.
4. Wild Salmon
The omega-3 fats in fatty fish like salmon can help to reduce the risk of sudden-death heart attacks. Moreover, wild-caught salmon has less PCB contaminants than farmed salmon.
Wild Salmon
5. Grape Tomatoes
Grape tomatoes are sweeter and firmer than other tomatoes, and their bite-size shape makes them perfect for snacking, dipping, or salads. They are also covered with vitamin C and vitamin A, and you also get some fiber, some phytochemicals, and great flavor.
Grape tomatoes
I have been working as a doctor of a general hospital since February 1998. In addition, I am a full time writer and specialize in weight loss related issues. I also write for a number of different websites on the Internet.