We often lose count of what we eat and drink and before we know it, we carry extra pounds! Bad eating habits lead to weight gain and inhibit our progress in health. Sometimes these bad eating habits are not necessarily bad but wrong. I’ll explain you in a sec…
Even if you do follow some balanced diet and do not eat junk food, you could still be doing something wrong. There are many reasons to consider for that:maybe you skip often your breakfast, maybe you eat too little during the day and eat too late at night, maybe you are snacking too much throughout the day. These are just some of the reasons to help you get the idea.
And while new diet plans and advices are always welcome, still there is nothing better than learning managing your diet alone. One effective way to do it, is by starting tracking all your food habit in a food journal.
How to do it? Easy. You can buy a cheap notebook, or you can record them straight in your computer (some websites provide this service for free). In this food journal you can write about everything:what food and at what time you ate it, how you felt after eating: good, bad, not stuffed, bloated, tired, sleepy.
For a short period of time (about a month or two) you should consistently record every single detail of your day. This will help to keep track of every time you went out of control. It is the same way like keeping a calendar;where you keep recording your own thoughts and experiences in life. Many times solutions in real life problems can be found thanks to it. Solutions to weight loss can be found with a food journal.
Here I would like to add that is good recording some other details, that are beyond food, but are equally important such as: What kind of drinks, or how much water you had during the day; especially if you had sodas, or overly sweetened coffees or teas, what was the activity, or amount of exercise you did, how much sleep you had. Every single detail matters!
Once per week you can measure and record yourself with a cheap, body fat caliper (you can buy one in the internet), this will help you knowing, exactly how much is your body fat, and how much is your muscle. The scale many times does not say all the truth.
So with all this information written, or logged in your computer, day after day, you will start increasing your awareness of your actions, and eventually start making better choices.
Finding simple solutions for weight loss that can make a difference is very encouraging. You can find a great fat loss solution, many free health advice, in this website: http://www.youandweightloss.com
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